Accomodation ID f98231
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The Oldest Jewish Restaurant In Rome

מילאנו, אִיטַלִיָה

Date created: 13 June 22

Last updated: 27 March 25

At a glance

  • Listing: f98231
  • Service type: Restaurant, Kosher store, Catering service
  • Address: ia Sardegna 45, 20146 - Milan
  • Telephone : Show number

General information

kosher restaurant 

More information about kosher restaurants

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  • Shabbat menu (take away)
  • Restaurant
  • Challah for shabbat
  • Open on sundays
  • Catering
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Kosher information
Kosher Authority: Mehadrin
Kosher Type:
Food and Dining

Local mehadrin

About us

Kosher Milano



The oldest Jewish restaurant in the capital has its roots in the Eighties, when the Dabush couple opened their first restaurant in Via Livorno 10, in the Piazza Bologna area. Deep historical roots, passion and creativity were then handed down to their 4 children Avi, Ilan, Eran and Amit , who followed in the footsteps of their parents by opening another 5 Ba Ghetto restaurants , this time right in the heart of the Jewish ghetto of Rome, Milan and Florence .

What has always distinguished Ba Ghetto is the fusion of unique elements : the Judeo-Roman culinary tradition, the strictly kosher vision of food, the search for healthy and high quality ingredients, the flavors and original recipes typical of Tripoli history and middle Eastern. His cuisine has a precise meaning: it represents a mix not only of ingredients but also of customs, history and tradition. It offers a very rich gastronomic proposal that satisfies both kosher cuisine lovers and those looking for something different from the usual.


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