Accomodation ID f98362
Accomodation ID f98362
Show number
At a glance
- Listing: f98362
- Service type: Restaurant, Take Away
- Address: Bílkova 12 , Prague 1
- Telephone : Show number
- Telephone 2: Show number
- Website : Show Website
- E-Mail : Show email
- Kashrut: Deputy Chief rabbi & the top Kashrut Athority in Czech Republic on behaf of Israeli Cheif rabbinate
General information
The most popular kosher restaurant in Prague among local Jews & even non Jewish guests not without reason. With an excellent value for money ratio allowing all guests to enjoy kosher food in Prague & a special culinary experience.
A bit off the main footfall paths, this little Jewish jewel serves also vistors who seek keeping kosher in Prague, this is the place to meet local community members while enjoying a kosher vacation in Prague.
No Menu available
More information about kosher restaurants
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- Take away
- Restaurant
- Meaty
- Open on sundays
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