Talia's Steakhouse
Accomodation ID f98818
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Talia's Steakhouse

מחוז ניו יורק, ניו יורק, USA

Date created: 3 May 22

Last updated: 13 March 25

At a glance

  • Listing: f98818
  • Service type: Catering service, Restaurant
  • Address: 668 Amsterdam Avenue New york, NY 10025
  • Telephone : Show number

General information

For 20 years, Talia’s Steakhouse has continuously reinvented the strictly Glatt kosher restaurant as a hip, modern place, where everyone will feel welcome: from Chabad and Satmer Chasidim to Modern Orthodox, secular Jews, non-Jewish customers and all other ethnic groups, Talia’s has something for everyone.

Trust and confidence in safe and proper food handling practices has never been more critical. Therefore, we are taking all precautions by strictly abiding by the food safety standards set by the CDC, FDA and DOH.  Throughout Talia’s 20 years, the owner, Ephraim (Effie) Nagar, and his three sons have all spent a substantial amount of years honing cooking techniques and managing operations. Daniel (25) who recently graduated from Cornell University, was peeling potatoes at the age of 7 before he became one of Talia’s managers.

The twins, Ben and Adam (29), subsequent to serving in the Israeli army (IDF), both led our management team and kitchen operation for numerous years. We look forward to continuing this family effort to serve the needs of Talia’s most cherished community.

More information about kosher restaurants

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  • Catering
  • Restaurant
  • Shabbat menu (eat-in)
  • Shabbat menu (take away)
  • Take away
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Kosher information
Kosher Authority: Glatt Kosher by Rabbi Marmorstien
Kosher Type:
Food and Dining

Rabbi Marmorstein / Glatt Kosher

For over 20 years, Talia’s Steakhouse has been a glatt kosher establishment under a strict orthodox and on-site supervision. Presently, Talia’s Hechsher or Kosher Certification, named Mehadrin Kashrus, is issued by Rabbi Avrohom Marmorstein. Rabbi Marmorstein is the director of Mehadrin Kashrus, a widely-respected community-based kosher supervision service in Manhattan, and spiritual leader of Congregation Minchas Chinuch. Furthermore, Rabbi Marmorstein provides his Kosher Certification to Kosher Market Place,

West Side Wok (previously Gan Asia), Sunflower Cafe and more. Moreover, Fairway Market, one of the tri-state metropolitan area’s largest purveyors of kosher foodstuff is under the supervision of Rabbi Avrohom Marmorstein. Fairway offers thousands of kosher items, from meat, poultry, cheese and bakery items to coffees, teas and traditional packaged goods, as well as specialty product. Rabbi Moarmorstein is the President of Council Of Orthodox Jewish Organizations- Cojo Of West Side.

Rabbi Avrohom Marmorstein started the Kosher La-Mehadrin hechsher in 1989. He has semicha from Beth Medrash Govoha (Lakewood) and is a member of the National Council of Synagogue Rabbis of Agudath Yisrael. Rabbi Marmorstein is author of Halachos of the Seder, Halachos of Purim, and Bartenura; co-author of Yad Yoledes.

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Kosher New York County




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