Axo Kosher Restaurant
Accomodation ID f98920
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Axo Kosher Restaurant

מרקש, מָרוֹקוֹ

Date created: 10 April 22

Last updated: 27 March 25

At a glance

  • Listing: f98920
  • Service type: Take Away, Restaurant
  • Address: Boulevard Mohamed VI، Marrakesh 40000
  • Telephone : Show number
  • Kashrut: ou

General information

open year round, and is kosher certified by the OU. It is located inside the Atlas Ansi hotel at Boulevard Mohamed VI، Marrakesh 40000, Morocco.

It is operated by Sarah Tours of France.

No Menu available

More information about kosher restaurants

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  • Milky
  • Meaty
  • Restaurant
  • Shabbat menu (eat-in)
  • Take away
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Kosher information
Kosher Authority: ou
Kosher Type:
Food and Dining

Glatt kosher meat meals as well as Cholov Yisroel dairy meals. 

The meats come from the best hachgahot in the world (RAV Rèvah – orthodoxe union) Our meats also come from the company Morocco Kosher Meat which produces quality meats under high level of quality (Loubavitch Morocco,  Vaad kosher Morocco under the direction of Rav Rèvah Orthodoxe UNION. The team of chèhita bodkè houts and pnim come from Israel and France.)

The milk & cheese are Halav Israel from France under the hachgaha of Rav Schlesinger – Strasbourg and the great beth din of France.

About us



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